Ports and Pins by Function

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The info on this page refers to the board STorM32bgc v1.3.

The STorM32bgc provides many connections, which are grouped into what shall be called ports. A port consists typically of one or more pins, a Gnd pin and possibly a 3.3V pin. The pins of a port are typically labelled by the port name plus a number, e.g. AUX-0 refers to the pin 0 on the AUX port, unless they are related to commonly known functions, such as Gnd, 3.3V, Tx, Rx, SCL, SDA and so on. Some few pins serve multiple purposes, such as e.g. the pin RC-0 which is also UART1-Rx.

Except of the ports POT and BUT all ports are 5 V tolerant, which means that you can apply signals with voltages of up to 5 V to them without damaging the board. The ports POT and BUT however are not 5 V tolerant: The voltage on the POT and BUT pins must not exceed 3.3 V.

The following ports are available:


Function: These ports are the connectors for the motors. The yaw motor has to be connected to MOT2.


Pins: Gnd, SCL, SDA, 3.3V

Function: Connector for the external camera MPU module.


Pins: Gnd, SCL, SDA, 3.3V

Function: Connector for an external 2nd MPU module, if it is to be used instead of the on-board MPU.


Pins: Gnd, RC-0, RC-1, RC-2



Pins: Gnd, RC2-0, RC2-1, RC2-2, RC2-3

Function: RC PWM signals from e.g. RC recievers can be connected to here.


Pins: Gnd, POT-0, POT-1, POT-2, 3.3V

Function: These three pins are connected to the analog digital converter (ADC) of the microprocessor and hence can digest analog signals. The analog signal is converted to the value range -500...500. Typically the central pins of potentiometers of e.g. a joystick are connected to here; the hot and cold potentionmeter pins go then to the Gnd and 3.3V pins.

WARNING: Never ever apply signals with voltages larger than 3.3 V to any of these pins, this will destroy your board immediately!


Pins: Gnd, BUT-0

Function: This pin is actually also connected to the analog digital converter (ADC) of the microprocessor, but the analog signal are processed differently than those on the POT port. Currently this port is used to connect a key to it.

WARNING: Never ever apply signals with voltages larger than 3.3 V to any of these pins, this will destroy your board immediately!


Pins: Gnd, AUX-0, AUX-1, AUX-2

Function: These are general purpose pins. Currently they are used to connect keys to them.

Comment: on v1.2 and earlier bords this port has the pins Gnd, AUX-0, AUX-1, 3.3V


Pins: Gnd, IR-0

Function: Allows to connect an IR led to remote control a camera.


Pins: Gnd, Rx, Tx



Pins: SWDIO, Gnd, SWCLK, 3.3V
