Where to buy STorM32 components
This list of vendors is collected solely for your convenience! It is NOT an official seller list, nor implies any recommendation. The list may not be complete, the order of vendors is arbitrary, and vendors not mentioned are equally trustworthy.
Plug & Play STorM32 Gimbals
Gohstand Designs used to sell 3-axis and 2-axis gimbals. They seem to be currently under revision. These gimbals use proprietary electronics, but are compatible with v3.3 firmware.
ENSYS provides a selection of proprietary NT modules, including NT IMU modules and NT Motor modules. Their offers and the product availability vary, so one needs to check their web page to know what is available. The ENSYS NT modules are mostly based on propietary designs, and use propietary firmwares.
link: http://www.ensys.lt/
NT Imu based on STM32G4 platform
Rcgroups user @jpou has designed NT IMU modules based on the v4 design, and put them up for sale. The design is a madiofied version of the "official" v4 design, but is fully compatible with the official firmware.
link: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=52887733&postcount=15483
v1.x Boards
The v1.3 STorM32 boards or STorM32 gimbals using the v1.3 board are still available from Chinese sites such as aliexpress or on ebay. These offers generally use I2C IMUs and are thus not compatible with the latest firmware, but need to run v0.96 firmware.