NT Motor&Encoder Module CLI
Accessing the CLI of a NT motor&encoder module requires using a standard terminal program, such as HTerm.
For accessing the CLI, the STorM32 main board is used, so to say, as a USB-TTL adapter to connect the NT module to the PC. That is, the NT motor module is connected to the STorM32 main board on the NT bus and the STorM32 main board is connected to a PC, typically via the main board's USB port. Before the CLI can be accessed, the STorM32 main board has first to be put into a pass-through mode by sending the special command "xQTNTQMODE0X" to it, where X = 4 for accessing the pitch NT motor module, X = 5 for roll, and X = 6 for yaw. The STorM32 board then works as tunnel connecting the PC with the selected NT module. In the terminal program the baud rate is typically set to 115200 bps.
Comment: The CLI can also be accessed by connecting the NT motor module on its NT port directly to a PC via a USB-TTL adapter, pretty much as one would do it for the Live Recording, except that now both the Tx and Rx lines need to be connected to the USB-TTL adapter. In the terminal program the baud rate must be set to 2000000 bps.
CLI command | effect |
rrange; | run the encoder range test sequence |
rpp; | run the motor pole pairs determination sequence |
rofs; | run the motor offset determination sequence |
reval; | run the display encoder raw values sequence, send a character to stop it |
moveby X; | moves the motor by the given value (can be positive or negative) |
moveto X; | moves the motor to the position specified by the given value (can be positive or negative) |
movevmax X; | set the motor power in percent |
r2ppofs; | run the ranged motor pole pairs and offset determination sequence |
r2sppofs X; | run the ranged motor pole pairs and offset determination sequence, with the number of the pole pairs fixed to the given value |
r2ofs; | run the ranged motor offset determination sequence |
r2setrange X; | set the range used in the r2 commands |
r2setvmax X; | set the motor power in percent used in the r2 commands |
getcal; | display the current pole pair and offset settings |
clrpp; | set the current pole pairs to zero |
clrofs; | set the current offset to zero |
setpp X; | set the current pole pairs to the given value |
setofs X; | set the current poffset to the given value |
retrieve; | retrieve module settings from EEPROM |
store; | store module settings into EEPROM |
getsetup; | display current module settings |
clrsetup; | set current module settings to default |
setidpitch; | set the module's ID to pitch (ID = 4) |
setidroll; | set the module's ID to roll (ID = 5) |
setidyaw; | set the module's ID to yaw (ID = 6) |
clrid; | set the module's ID to ID = 0 |
setmodeltle5012b; | set the module's encoder to TLE5012B (spi) |
setmodelas5048a; | set the module's encoder to AS5048A (spi) |
setmodelpotadc5; | set the module's encoder to a resistive sensor (poti) on ADC5 |
clrmodel; | set the module's encoder to NONE |
r4; | run the torque cogging sequence |
getdt; | display the determined time constants |
r5; | run the speed sequence |
getspeed; | display the determined speed constants |
streamX; | enable stream at rate X, X = 1,2,3,4 |
@Q | resets main board and module |
RESTART | restarts QMODE |